Thursday, February 14, 2008

KI4U, Inc.

On the Periodic Chart of Elements, "K" stands for Potassium, and "I" is Iodine. That's all you need to know to figure out the name of this company, although it might be helpful to know why Potassium Iodide (KI) is such an important item to have should a nuclear incident occur. KI4U is the largest direct-to-public source for Potassium Iodide since 1999 and is a supplier to the federal government, U.S.M.C. and U.S. embassies. Visit their website. It's probably the best one-stop site for nuke info and protection around.

KI4U, Inc., 212 Oil Patch Lane, Gonzales, TX 78629; (830) 672-8734

Cresson H. Kearny, the author of Nuclear War Survival Skills, Original Edition Published September, 1979, by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy (Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition) states on page 111:

"There is no medicine that will effectively prevent nuclear radiations from damaging the human body cells that they strike.

However, a salt of the elements potassium and iodine, taken orally even in very small quantities 1/2 hour to 1 day before radioactive iodines are swallowed or inhaled, prevents about 99% of the damage to the thyroid gland that otherwise would result. The thyroid gland readily absorbs both non-radioactive and radioactive iodine, and normally it retains much of this element in either or both forms.

When ordinary, non-radioactive iodine is made available in the blood for absorption by the thyroid gland before any radioactive iodine is made available, the gland will absorb and retain so much that it becomes saturated with non-radioactive iodine. When saturated, the thyroid can absorb only about l% as much additional iodine, including radioactive forms that later may become available in the blood: then it is said to be blocked. (Excess iodine in the blood is rapidly eliminated by the action of the kidneys.)"

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