Thursday, February 14, 2008

Four Dog Stove

Their name and motto: Will Keep you Warm on a Four-Dog Night, has to do with a method of tracking temperature in the Arctic Circle: when it gets dreadfully cold you bring dogs from the sled team into the tent to sleep with you. The measure of cold is how many dogs it takes to provide enough body heat to get through the night. I've heard of four dog and five dog nights, but three dog night is the most recognizable phrase because of the rock group with the same name.

Four Dog Stove builds some of the best woodstoves for outfitter-style canvas tents on the market. Each stove features welded steel construction, and will hold a fire all night. I own the Two Dog version, and it keeps my 9 x 12 wall tent plenty warm all night.

One accessory that is a must is the stainless steel water jacket. It slips onto the side of your Four Dog Stove, and heats water for cooking, washing, and morning hot chocolate. Removable side shelf and extra stove pipe is also available. For those planning pack animal trips, an ultra-light titanium stove in three sizes is a great option.

Four Dog Stove Company, 25909 Variolite St. NW, St. Francis, MN 55070; phone: 763.444.9587.

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